How to Increase FPS in Games | 8 Proven Ways to Boost FPS

Are you tired of choppy gameplay and low frame rates? It can be frustrating, but luckily, there are ways to increase your FPS and improve your gaming experience. In this article, I’ll explore eight proven ways to increase FPS. So you can enjoy smoother gameplay and a better overall gaming experience.

As a gamer, I always look for ways to improve my FPS, which can give me a competitive edge in games, especially for eSports. After trying different things, I shared some of my best FPS improvement techniques in this guide.

What is FPS?

Before diving into the tips and tricks, let’s define FPS. FPS stands for Frames Per Second and measures how many frames your computer can render in one second. Higher frame rates or FPS results in smoother, more enjoyable gaming experiences as it allows for higher quality graphics to be displayed on your screen. 

This is why having a fast and powerful computer with a sound graphics card is important for gaming. The higher the frames per second, the better your game looks and feels.

What Does FPS Mean in Games?

FPS in games refers to how many frames are displayed each second as you play a game. It’s a measure of how smoothly a game runs on your computer. 

Moreover, the higher the FPS, the better it is for gaming and the more enjoyable your experience will be. Higher frames per second also allow games to look sharper and run smoother than if they had a lower FPS.

Why Is My FPS So Low?

If your FPS is low in games, there are a few reasons. One reason could be that your computer is not powerful enough to handle the game you are playing. Another reason could be issued with your graphics card or other hardware components such as RAM or hard drive space. 

You may also have too many programs running in the background on your computer. Again, this can affect the performance of your game.

What is a low FPS, and what causes it?

A low FPS or frame rate means your computer needs to be more powerful to render your game’s graphics quickly enough to display onscreen. A few different things can cause this. 

For example, if you don’t have a powerful enough graphics card, your game will run slower, and you’ll get a lower FPS. Additionally, if you don’t have enough RAM or a fast enough processor, this can cause your FPS to be low as well. 

A low FPS can have a variety of causes, ranging from hardware issues to software problems. A “low frame rate” is usually defined as anything below 30 frames per second. Anything lower than this will result in an unsatisfactory gaming experience. 

In addition, common causes for low FPS include:

  • Defective hardware components such as RAM or a weak graphics card.
  • Inefficient software optimization.
  • Too many programs are running in the background.

Why is FPS important in gaming?

Increasing the frames per second in your game can make a massive difference in the quality of your gaming experience. Higher FPS means smoother gameplay, better graphics, and a more enjoyable experience. So, increasing your frames per second is essential to get the most out of your games.

It makes all the difference in gaming. A low FPS can cause lag, stuttering, and input delay, making the game unplayable. A high FPS, on the other hand, can provide a smooth and responsive gaming experience.

8 Tips On How to Increase FPS in Games | Boost Your Gaming Experience

1. Upgrade Your Graphics Card

If you’re looking to increase your FPS, the first thing you should do is upgrade your graphics card. This will allow for higher frame rates and better visuals in games. When buying a new graphics card, ensure it has enough VRAM (video RAM) for the games you want to play. 

Outdated graphics drivers can cause performance issues. Make sure to update your graphics drivers to ensure optimal performance regularly.

2. Optimize the In-Game Settings

Many games have settings that can be adjusted to improve frame rates and optimize performance. Options like texture quality, anti-aliasing, shadows, draw distance, and motion blur can all help improve your frame rate if tweaked correctly. 

Adjust these settings according to your computer’s specs so you don’t overburden it with too much data processing.

3. Close Background Programs

You should turn off any unnecessary applications or processes running in the background when gaming. These can take up valuable system resources and cause your frame rate to drop significantly. Instead, ensure only essential programs are running when gaming to get the most out of your system’s resources. 

Running multiple programs in the background can use system resources and affect FPS. Close unnecessary programs and background processes to free up resources and improve FPS.

4. Optimize Your Hard Drive

A cluttered and fragmented hard drive can slow down your computer, resulting in lower FPS. Here are some tips to optimize your hard drive for better gaming performance:

  • Delete any unnecessary files or programs that you no longer use. This will free up space on your hard drive and allow your computer to run more efficiently.
  • Defragment your hard drive regularly. When you store files on your hard drive, they can become fragmented, meaning they are scattered across different parts of the hard drive. Defragmenting your hard drive will bring these files back together, making it easier for your computer to access them.
  • Use a disk cleanup tool to delete temporary files, such as internet cache and system files. These files can take up valuable space on your hard drive and slow down your computer.

Optimizing your hard drive can improve FPS and make gaming smoother.

5. Overclock Your Processor

Overclocking your CPU can improve gaming performance and increase FPS by pushing it beyond its factory-set clock speed. However, it should be noted that overclocking can be risky and may void your warranty, so proceed with caution.

Here are the steps to overclock your processor:

  • Go into your computer’s BIOS settings. The method for doing this may vary depending on your computer’s manufacturer. But typically, you can access the BIOS by pressing a key (such as F2 or Del) during boot-up.
  • Look for the CPU settings in the BIOS. For example, an option should be for “CPU clock ratio” or “CPU multiplier.”
  • Increase the CPU clock ratio/multiplier to a higher value than the factory setting. You can do this in small increments to find the optimal overclocking setting for your processor.
  • Save your changes and exit the BIOS.

Overclocking generates extra heat, so monitor your CPU temperature to prevent overheating. You may also need to adjust your computer’s cooling system or invest in a more powerful one.

6. Lower the Resolution

One of the easiest ways to increase FPS in games is to lower the resolution. Running games at a lower resolution requires less processing power from your computer, resulting in higher FPS and smoother gameplay.

Here are the steps to lower the resolution:

  • First, open the game’s settings menu.
  • Look for the graphics or video settings.
  • Locate the resolution settings and select a lower resolution. You may need to experiment with different resolutions to find the one that works best for your computer.
  • Save your changes and exit the settings menu.

While lowering the resolution can improve FPS, it may also result in a lower-quality image. However, it’s worth experimenting with different resolutions to find the best balance between performance and image quality.

In addition to lowering the resolution, you can try adjusting other graphics settings. Such as anti-aliasing and texture quality, to improve performance.

7. Add More RAM

RAM is the temporary storage space that your computer uses to store data while it’s being processed. Running games and other resource-intensive programs can require a lot of RAM. If your computer doesn’t have enough, it can result in lower FPS and slower performance.

Adding more RAM to your computer can help increase FPS and improve gaming performance.

8. Use an FPS Booster Program

There are many FPS booster programs available that can help increase FPS and improve gaming performance. These programs work by optimizing your computer’s settings and freeing up resources to make games run more smoothly.

Here are some popular FPS booster programs:

Razer Cortex:

This program optimizes your computer’s settings for gaming and frees up system resources.

Game Fire:

The game Fire program can help increase FPS and improve game performance by disabling unnecessary processes and services.

Wise Game Booster:

Wise Game Booster program can help improve gaming performance by freeing up system resources and optimizing game settings.

MSI Afterburner:

This program is primarily used for overclocking your graphics card. It includes features for monitoring FPS and adjusting graphics settings.

When using an FPS booster program, it’s important to download it from a reputable source and understand what changes it’s making to your computer’s settings. 

Some programs may make changes that could harm your computer or negatively impact others, so proceeding cautiously is essential.

Bottom Line

By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can enjoy smoother gameplay and a better overall gaming experience. Keep your graphics drivers updated, close unnecessary background programs, and upgrade your hardware. Happy gaming!

Increasing the FPS in your games can make a huge difference in your gaming experience. So make sure to follow these tips to help boost the performance of your games and get the most out of them.

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How do I know if my FPS is low?

You can check your game’s settings for the current frames per second. If it’s lower than 30, then that would be considered low.

What is a good FPS rate for gaming?

Generally, you want to aim for a minimum of 30 FPS, but ideally, you should aim for 60 FPS or higher. This will provide the best gaming experience. 

Can I increase my FPS without upgrading my hardware? 

Yes! Some tweaks can help improve your game’s performance without upgrading your hardware. For example, try lowering the graphics settings, optimizing your hard drive, and closing background programs to help increase your FPS. 

Does a higher FPS make my game look better?

Yes! A higher frame per second will result in smoother gameplay and better visuals. This can enhance your gaming experience and make it much more enjoyable. 

Can I overclock my graphics card to increase FPS?

Yes, you can if your graphics card is powerful enough. However, this should only be attempted by experienced users and done cautiously. Make sure to research the process thoroughly before attempting it.

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