How to jitter click 20 CPS

If you are a gamer who enjoys playing PvP games, you know that clicking fast and aiming accurately is crucial. 

Jitter clicking is a technique that allows you to click your mouse at a much faster rate than normal. In this article, we will discuss how to jitter click and improve your aim in PvP games.

First, let’s take a look at how to jitter click. Jitter clicking is a technique of clicking your mouse really fast, usually between 10 to 13 clicks per second (CPS), and for some people, even 14 to 16 CPS. 

To start jitter clicking, tense up your wrists and arm and flex them. Your hand will begin to vibrate. While doing this, put your hand on the mouse and start clicking. It takes practice, but the more you do it, the higher your CPS will get. With enough practice, you can get up to 20 CPS.

If you are wondering how to aim in PvP games while jitter clicking, it is a simple process that takes time to master. First, try to move your mouse somehow, whether that is with your palm or another finger. 

Even though your aim will be trashed at first, only practice using jitter clicking while aiming. It will take weeks or even months to have some decent aim. Be patient and keep practicing.

After a few weeks or months of practicing, you may notice that your fingers are starting to stay on the mouse, making it easier to aim. It is essential to keep in mind that it is a long process, and it takes time to see results. 

Don’t expect to aim straight off the bat when jitter clicking. In the beginning, you can practice moving your mouse any bit. Most people use the bottom of their palms to move their mouse. You just need to practice this over and over for hours and weeks. Eventually, you will be able to jitter click while aiming, and it will help you in PvP.

7 steps to improve Your Jitter Clicking

Here I will show you how to jitter click faster.

  • Warm up your hand muscles: Before you start jitter clicking, it’s essential to warm up your hand muscles. You can do this by rotating your wrist and flexing your fingers for a few minutes.
  • Find a comfortable position: Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms and elbows relaxed, and your mouse hand resting on the mouse pad.
  • Use your index finger: The index finger is the most commonly used finger for jitter-clicking. Place it on the left-click button of your mouse.
  • Use a high DPI setting: A higher DPI (dots per inch) setting on your mouse will make it easier to jitter-click. Set your mouse to a high DPI, around 800-1000.
  • Apply pressure with your finger: Apply pressure to the left-click button with your index finger, making sure to keep it stable.
  • Vibrate your finger: Start vibrating your finger on the left-click button as fast as you can while maintaining pressure on it. This will create a jitter-clicking effect.
  • Practice: Jitter clicking takes practice to master. Keep practicing regularly to improve your speed and accuracy.

Remember, jitter clicking can cause strain on your hand and wrist muscles. So, take breaks in between and avoid overdoing it to prevent any discomfort or injuries.

is jitter clicking dangerous

Jitter clicking, like any repetitive motion, can potentially lead to injury or discomfort. The intense and rapid clicking motion can strain the muscles and tendons in the hand and wrist, leading to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

Additionally, some people may experience numbness or tingling in their hands or fingers after jitter-clicking for an extended period of time.

It’s important to listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort while jitter clicking. It’s also a good idea to take breaks and stretch your hands and wrists regularly to prevent injury.

Overall, while jitter-clicking can be a fun and challenging activity, it’s important to use caution and prioritize your health and well-being.

how to jitter Click Without Pain

Jitter clicking can be painful and uncomfortable for some people. However, there are some tips you can follow to reduce the pain and discomfort:

Practice proper hand placement: 

Ensure that your wrist is straight and that your hand is in a comfortable position before starting to jitter click. You may want to try different hand positions to find the one that works best for you.

Use a mouse with a comfortable grip: 

A mouse with a comfortable grip can help reduce the pressure on your fingers and wrist when jitter clicking. You may want to try different types of mice to find the one that works best for you.

Take breaks:

 It’s important to take breaks when jitter clicking to prevent your hand from getting too tired or sore. Try to take a break every 15-20 seconds to rest your hand and stretch your fingers.

Use a softer surface: 

If you’re jitter-clicking on a hard surface, it can increase the pressure on your fingers and wrist, leading to pain and discomfort. Using a softer surface like a mousepad can help reduce the pressure.

Use a different technique: 

If jitter clicking is too painful or uncomfortable, you may want to try a different clicking technique like butterfly clicking or drag clicking.

Remember that jitter-clicking is not necessary to be good at games. It’s important to prioritize your health and well-being over gaming performance.

How to Jitter Click on Keyboard

Are you looking to improve your clicking speed in games such as Minecraft or FPS games? Jitter clicking is a technique that can help you click faster and more accurately. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of jitter clicking and provide tips and techniques to help you improve your skills.

How to Jitter Click on Keyboard

To jitter-click on a keyboard, follow these steps:

Step 1: Place Your Hand on the Keyboard

Place your hand on the keyboard in a comfortable position. Your hand should be slightly raised above the keyboard to give you more room to move.

Step 2: Position Your Index Finger

Position your index finger on the left or right-click button, depending on your dominant hand. Make sure your finger is positioned correctly and comfortably.

Step 3: Tense Your Arm Muscles

Tense your arm muscles, focusing on your biceps and triceps. This will give you the power and speed needed to jitter-click.

Step 4: Click Rapidly

Click the button rapidly using your arm muscles. You should aim to click at a speed of 10-14 clicks per second. Make sure to keep your hand steady and focused.

Tips and Techniques for Jitter Clicking

To improve your jitter clicking skills, follow these tips and techniques:

Tip 1: Warm up Your Arm Muscles

Before you start jitter-clicking, warm up your arm muscles by doing some stretches or exercises. This will help prevent injury and improve your clicking speed.

Tip 2: Use the Right Mouse or Keyboard

Using the right mouse or keyboard can make a significant difference in your clicking speed. Look for a mouse or keyboard with a high click rate and low latency.

Tip 3: Practice Regularly

Like any skill, jitter clicking takes practice to master. Set aside some time each day to practice your clicking speed and accuracy.

Tip 4: Use the Right Finger Positioning

Make sure your finger is positioned correctly and comfortably on the button. You should use the tip of your finger to click, not the entire finger.

Technique 1: Butterfly Clicking

Butterfly clicking is a technique used to click a button rapidly by using two fingers. To butterfly-click on a keyboard, follow these steps:

Place your middle finger on the left or right-click button and your index finger on the button next to it.

Alternate between clicking the two buttons rapidly using your two fingers.

Technique 2: Drag Clicking

Drag clicking is a technique used to click a button rapidly by dragging your finger across the surface of the button. To drag-click on a keyboard, follow these steps:

  • Place your finger on the left or right-click button.
  • Drag your finger across the surface of the button rapidly, clicking as you go.

How to jitter click on controller?

You can’t jitter click on the controller because it doesn’t have a button. You need a button for jitter clicks which the controller does not have. This technique is not useful for jitter-clicking on the controller. If you want to increase your clicking speed on the controller, you need to practice your index finger to tap on the button. 

Keep in mind that constantly clicking on the button can damage your controller. So, this method is not recommended from our side.