How to do 20 cps?

Achieving a CPS (click per second) speed of 20 is a challenging task that requires a combination of practice, skill, and proper technique. Here are some tips that may help improve your clicking speed:

Tips for improving clicking speed

  1. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is essential for improving your clicking speed. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on clicking drills or play games that require rapid clicking.
  2. Use the proper clicking technique: There are several clicking techniques that can be used to achieve high CPS speeds, including jitter clicking and butterfly clicking. Experiment with different techniques to find the one that works best for you.
  3. Use a gaming mouse: A high-quality gaming mouse can provide better accuracy and responsiveness, which can help improve your clicking speed.
  4. Use a comfortable grip: Make sure that you are using a comfortable grip when clicking. Gripping too tightly or using an uncomfortable grip can lead to fatigue and reduce your clicking speed.
  5. Warm up properly: Just like any physical activity, warming up is essential to prevent injury and improve performance. Take a few minutes to stretch and warm up your fingers before beginning your clicking practice.
  6. Focus on accuracy: While speed is important, accuracy is equally crucial. Make sure that you are clicking accurately and consistently, rather than just trying to click as fast as possible.
  7. Be patient: Achieving a CPS speed of 20 or higher takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if progress is slow at first, and continue to practice and improve over time.

Remember, while achieving a high CPS speed can be impressive, it is not always necessary for optimal gaming performance. Focus on developing a well-rounded set of skills, including accuracy, timing, and game knowledge, rather than fixating solely on achieving high CPS speeds.